
ElecSus is an open-source code that uses the uncoupled basis and populates the Hamiltonian matrix with the hyperfine structure and Zeeman interaction. The ElecSus package was developed at Durham, and there are two papers explaining how the code works. We use ElecSus for two important roles: (i) it allows us to predict optimal experimental parameters for realising experiments, optical components etc. (ii) the package allows the user to input experimental data, and to perform least-squares fits to extract parameters. The package finds great utility in Durham and worldwide for the spectroscopy of alkali-metal atoms.

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If you are interested in joining the team or finding out more, please contact i.g.hughes@durham.ac.uk.

Papers of interest

  1. Laser spectroscopy of hot atomic vapours: from ’scope to theoretical fit D Pizzey, JD Briscoe, FD Logue, FS Ponciano-Ojeda, SA Wrathmall, I G Hughes New Journal of Physics 24 (12), 125001 https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/ac9cfe
  2. ElecSus: A program to calculate the electric susceptibility of an atomic ensemble MA Zentile, J Keaveney, L Weller, DJ Whiting, CS Adams, IG Hughes Computer Physics Communications 189, 162-174 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2014.11.023
  3. ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics J Keaveney, CS Adams, IG Hughes Computer Physics Communications 224, 311-324 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2017.12.001

PhD Theses

Team members

Prof. Ifan Hughes
Dr. Steven Wrathmall